Monday, April 28, 2008

Clone On The Range

Clone On The Range

FDA claims cloned milk and meat are ok for consumption.

Ok let me get this straight, we can't clone a sheep with a 100% success, but selling milk and meat from cloned animals will be ok?

The FDA determined this from an 11 page report, which is supposed to be published on their website Friday.

I'm no rocket scientist, and I know the only thing greater than my intelligence is my ignorance, but it seems a little early to me to be shoving this food into our digestive systems.

I'm troubled by the thought that consumption of these products is being decided while the whole science of cloning is still in it's infancy. I mean have the training wheels even come off the bike yet?

I have heard unconfirmed reports that they are recommending that these cloned products would not have to be marked as made from cloned livestock.

I'm sorry but I can't see eating a McCloned from McDonalds, not that I eat at McDonalds .

If that is the case I may have to purchase some land and throw a few hefers out on the lot.

But seriously.......WTF!!!!???!!!???!

Read about it